Exotic & Pocket Pets

Exotic & Pocket Pets

Best friends come in all shapes and sizes.

We’re happy to provide veterinary care to your exotic animals! We see many kinds of exotic animals at Aztec Animal Clinic, including:

  • Non-venomous snakes
  • Lizards, iguanas, salamanders, geckos and frogs
  • Turtles and tortoises (except for snapping turtles)
  • All species of rabbits
  • Ferrets
  • Rats and mice
  • Chinchillas, gerbils, and hamsters
  • Guinea pigs
  • Hedgehogs

Our exotic pet vets can advise on environmental requirements for these pets, like cage size, temperature, lighting, and heat, as well as changes that occur during the aging process, necessary vaccinations to prevent disease, and normal and abnormal behaviors.

Your exotic pets need thorough veterinary care, too, and we’re ready to help! To schedule an appointment, call Aztec Animal Clinic at (505) 265-4939.

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